日期 Date |
講員 Preacher |
題目 Sermon |
經文 Scripture |
錄音 |
講稿 |
2012-12-30 |
Brother Simon Huang 黄之达弟兄 |
谋算 Plans |
箴言 Proverbs 16:1-9 |
2012-12-23 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
接受勝過贈予 Better to Receive than to Give |
路加福音 Luke 2:8-20 |
2012-12-16 |
Brother Tse Chun |
你是誰,竟敢論斷鄰舍呢?Who are you to judge your neighbor? |
雅各書James 4:11-12 |
2012-12-02 |
Brother Tse Chun |
Grace |
恩典 罗马书 3:21-24 |
2012-11-25 |
Brother Pi-Nian Chang |
荊棘裡火焰中的呼召 Calling in Flames of Fire from within a Bush |
出埃及記 Exodus 3:1-12 |
2012-11-18 |
Rev. Stephen Mma |
God's Calling 神的呼召 |
赛6:1-8 |
2012-11-11 |
Rev. Steve Mader |
Worship(Part 2):The True Worshipers 敬拜(二):真正敬拜的人 |
约4:21-24 |
2012-11-04 |
Pastor Mike Chu |
God Has Just One Plan 神僅有一個計劃 |
歌1:15-19 |
2012-10-28 |
Rev. Stephen Mma |
Transformation 變化 |
2012-10-21 |
Scott Countryman 牧師 |
Worship(Part 1): Worship, A Life of Service 敬拜(一):敬拜,事奉的人生 |
罗12:1-2 |
2012-10-14 |
Brother Tse Chun |
Come Home! 来, 回家吧! |
路15:11-32 |
2012-10-07 |
Rev. Paul Tshihamba |
Salt and Light 鹽和光 |
太5:13-16 |
2012-09-30 |
Rev. Stephen Mma |
到那日子,有坏消息,也会有好消息 |
2012-09-23 |
Pastor Mike Chu |
Metamorphosis 蜕变 |
2012-09-16 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
竭力追求! Pressing On! |
2012-09-09 |
Brother Tse Chun |
寻找亡羊和失钱 Seeking the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin |
2012-09-03 |
Rev. Andrew Cheng |
教會一體 |
>2012-09-02 |
Rev. Andrew Cheng |
主餐與合一 |
>2012-09-02 |
Rev. Andrew Cheng |
為合一禱告 |
>2012-09-01 |
Rev. Andrew Cheng |
教會合一的實踐 |
>2012-09-01 |
Rev. Andrew Cheng |
教會合一的要素 |
2012-08-31 |
Rev. Andrew Cheng |
Speaker Introduction |
2012-08-26 |
Brother Toh Eng Lim |
你沒看到的,是你已經得到的 What You Don't See, Is What You've Got |
2012-08-19 |
Rev. Stephen Mma |
如何能明白神的旨意?How to Understand God’s Will? |
2012-08-12 |
Brother Tse Chun |
坐滿我的屋子 My House Will Be Full |
2012-08-05 |
Rev. Dan Anderson |
“但是現在. . .""But now . . ." |
2012-07-29 |
Rev. Stephen Mma |
你在逆境中该尽的责任(二)Your Responsibilities in Time of Adversity, Part II |
2012-07-22 |
Brother Tse Chun |
132个祝福 132 Blessings |
2012-07-15 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
尋求主耶穌 (二) The Pursuit of Jesus, Part II |
2012-07-08 |
Brother PiNian Chang |
基督的平安 Peace of Christ |
2012-07-01 |
Rev. Steve Mader |
什麼是活祭? What is a Living Sacrifice? |
2012-06-24 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
尋求主耶穌 The Pursuit of Jesus |
2012-06-17 |
Rev. Stephen Mma |
你在逆境中该尽的责任 Your Responsibilities in Time of adversity |
2012-06-10 |
Dr. Frank Dennis |
如何有福被漫溢 The Satisfying Life |
2012-06-03 |
Brother Tse Chun |
靈程四望 The Four Perspectives of Our Spiritual Journey |
2012-05-27 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
记念的日子 Memorial Day |
2012-05-13 |
陳克勇牧師 |
基督十架的救恩 The certainty of man’s salvation is the cross of Jesus Christ! |
2012-05-13 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
在基督裏的家庭 The family in Christ |
2012-05-06 |
Pastor Jim Sawtelle |
按理領用主餐 A Worthy Partaking of the Lord's Supper |
2012-04-29 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
活出生命之道 Living Inside Out |
2012-04-22 |
Pastor Mike Chu |
依樣胡蘆 Learn by Example |
2012-04-15 |
Pastor James |
2012-04-08 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
2012-04-01 |
Rev. Luke Zhou |
Be Foolish for the Lord 為主作愚拙人 |
2012-03-25 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
Why does He do that? 他为什么要做这事? |
2012-03-18 |
Rev. Douglas Vavrosky |
The summary of the Gospel is the Great Commission 福音的總結就是大使命 |
2012-03-11 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
The Pauline Narrative: A Church Too Young 使徒保羅的敘述:一個太年輕的教會 |
2012-03-04 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
The Effective Church 一個得道的教會 |
2012-02-26 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
The Godly Disciple's Message 敬虔門徒的信息 |
2012-02-19 |
Pastor Mike Chu |
Dreamer 做梦的人 |
2012-02-12 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
从我口里出来的能污秽人吗? |
2012-02-05 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
Knowing Your Election of God 对于你归向神之认知 |
2012-01-29 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
Keeping the Peace: Harmony through Humility 由谦卑来的和睦 |
2012-01-22 |
Brother Pi-Nian Chang |
Life: Re-Examined 生命重思 |
2012-01-15 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
Indifference is a Serious Offense 冷漠是一种严重的罪行 |
2012-01-08 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
Baptism 洗礼 |
2012-01-01 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
The Lord's Table 主的圣餐 |