日期 Date |
講員 Preacher |
題目 Sermon |
經文 Scripture |
錄音 |
講稿 |
2011-12-25 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
Re-think Christmas (圣诞节的再思) |
2011-12-18 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
Behold, The Sign (看啊, 这兆头!) |
2011-12-11 |
Brother Pi-Nian Chang |
Life of Content and Satisfaction (心满意足的生命) |
2011-12-04 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
In Preparation for Christmas - The Promise (预备基督的诞生 - 神的应许) |
2011-11-27 |
Rev. Douglas Vavrosky |
Sing to the Lord with Thanksgiving (以感恩的心向耶和华献唱) |
2011-11-20 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
在一个没有牧长的教会对一位年青人的教导 |
2011-11-13 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
Titus 2 (提多书 2) |
2011-11-06 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
God's Armor (神的军装) |
2011-10-30 |
Brother Pi-Nian Chang |
2011-10-23 |
Pastor Mike Chu |
2011-10-16 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
Living the Gospel (活出福音) |
2011-10-09 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
An Impossible Thing (一件不可能的事) |
2011-10-02 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
God's Purpose for the Nations (神對萬國的計劃) |
2011-09-25 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
Love One Another (彼此相愛) |
2011-09-18 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
The Lord's Day Sure Will Come (主的日子必定到来) |
2011-09-11 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
How to live the Christian life (如何过基督徒的生活) |
2011-09-05 |
Pastor C. Andrew Cheng |
Renewal - Love one Another (更新成長 – 彼此相愛) |
2011-09-04 |
Pastor C. Andrew Cheng |
Healing - Forgive One Another (醫治創傷 – 彼此饒恕) |
2011-09-04 |
Pastor C. Andrew Cheng |
God-Centered -- Family Worship (神为中心 -- 家庭敬拜) |
2011-09-03 |
Pastor C. Andrew Cheng |
Partnership - Parenthood (分工合作 – 為人父母) |
2011-09-03 |
Pastor C. Andrew Cheng |
Firm Foundation - Biblical View of Marriage (穩固根基 – 和諧婚姻) |
2011-08-28 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
Christian Growth: An Essential Reminder(基督徒的成長: 一個必要的提醒) |
2011-08-21 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
Am I children of God? (我是神的儿女吗?) |
2011-08-14 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
舊約舊對約宣中教的工五作個的論闡點述 |
2011-08-07 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
Don't Worry, Be Happy? (不要忧愁, 要欢喜) |
2011-07-31 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
The Mission of Missions (宣教工作的使命) |
2011-07-24 |
Pastor Mike Chu |
Super Nice Guy (超好人) |
2011-07-17 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
When You Pray, Go into Your Inner Room (進入內室禱告) |
2011-07-10 |
Forgiveness (饶恕) |
Steal 偷 |
2011-07-03 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
一个宣教的确模式-地方教会事工观察 |
2011-06-26 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
A Father's Letter (一位父親的信) |
2011-06-19 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
如果這是你生命的最後一天,你想讓它怎樣度過? |
2011-06-12 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
The Great Commission (大使命) |
2011-06-05 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
The Tenth Commandment (十誡的第十個誡命) |
2011-05-29 |
Minister Keh Yeong Tan |
Jesus Came To Seek and Save The Lost(耶稣來,是要尋找拯救失喪的人)
2011-05-22 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
Toward Enjoying Intimacy (向往与主亲密) |
2011-05-22 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
Toward Pursuing Holiness (向往追求圣洁) |
2011-05-21 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
Toward Rediscovering Passion (向往找回对主的真情) |
2011-05-20 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
Toward a Deeper Love for Jesus (向往爱主更深) |
2011-05-15 |
Pastor Mike Chu |
My Task (我的任务) |
2011-05-08 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
智慧婦人建立家室,愚妄婦人親手拆毀 |
2011-05-01 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
The Eighth and Ninth Commandments (十誡的第八和第九個誡命) |
2011-04-24 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
The Necessity of the Resurrection(復活的必要性) |
2011-04-17 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
Not By My Own Righteousness(不是靠我自己的義) |
2011-04-10 |
Brother Pi-Nian Chang |
Suffering (苦难) |
2011-04-03 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
The Sixth and Seventh Commandments (十誡的第六和第七個誡命) |
2011-03-27 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
What on Earth am I here for? (我们在地上到底是为什么?) |
2011-03-20 |
Pastor Stephen |
Jesus is the King (耶穌是王) |
2011-03-13 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
The Fifth Commandment (十誡的第五個誡命) |
2011-03-06 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
The Fourth Commandment (十誡的第四個誡命) |
2011-02-27 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
The Third Commandment (十誡的第三個誡命) |
2011-02-20 |
Pastor Mike Chu |
When You Are Famous (一朝得志) |
2011-02-13 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
Two Self-centered Person (兩個自我为中心的人) |
2011-02-06 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
The First Two Commandments (十誡裏的頭兩個誡命) |
2011-01-30 |
Min. Keh Yeong Tan |
Do You Miss Home? (你想念家吗?) |
2011-01-23 |
Pastor Scott Countryman |
Home Alone (獨自在家) |
2011-01-16 |
Pastor Stephen Mma |
跟隨主作門徒 - 讓祂開車 |
2011-01-09 |
Brother Pi-Nian Chang |
I Believe Therefore I Am___(我信所以我___) |
2011-01-02 |
Rev. Christopher Watson |
Covenant with God (與神的約) |